Pele Super is made from wild plant extracts having Toxic elements to control Mites in plants. Herbal alkaloids are very effective to control all Tea Mites. It can control Tea Mites by systemic & contact action. It also having its capability as anti –feeding action.It is very effective in Organic Cultivation due to plant origin.
How to Use :
Mix 0.5ml to 0.75 ml of PELE SUPER per litre of water with our sticker (BOND) and spray on the infected plants in every 7 days interval.
Benefits :
1. Pele Super can control all the Tea mites (Red, scarlet, pink etc)
2. It is very effective for mite control in tender leaf.
3. Pele Super acts as systemic & contact action for longer periods.
4. It is also having its capability as anti feeding action.
5. Pele Super can be used with any other pesticides which reduces cost.
6. It also shows some phyto-tonic effect in plants.
7. Pele Super also has some partial effect to control sucking pests.
Control Process :
Pele Super is very effective to control all Tea Mites by systemic & contact action. It is very effective in ORGANIC cultivation due to plant origin. It does not harm human beings and beneficial insects in plants.
Result :
PELE SUPER will remove all types of Mites and Sucking Pests from the affected area quickly.
Recommendation :
It is recommended for Chillies, Cereals, Pulses, Cotton, all Vegetables and Horticultural crops.